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Presenting Partner: Lymphedema and Wound Care
The Canadian Lymphedema Framework is proud to collaborate with Wounds Canada to bring you the 2021 National Lymphedema Conference as a virtual event. Wound management and skin care are critical components in the management of lymphedema. The International Lymphedema Framework LIMPRINT Study found that nearly two-thirds of persons living with chronic edema/lymphedema of the lower extremity also suffer with chronic wounds. The CLF is excited for this collaboration with Wounds Canada that will exploit the natural synergy of both organizations’ work and raise awareness with our respective audiences.
Lymphedema and wound care clinicians working together can achieve better outcomes.
You can expect to see the CLF logo at all Wounds Canada virtual events in 2021, and vice-versa as we capitalize on Wounds Canada’s expertise and their highly interactive virtual event platform.
Key Topics
- Diagnostics
- Surgery
- Obesity
- Woundcare
- Measurement
- Lipedema
- Research
- Exercise
- Oral and Poster Presentations
- …and more!
The theme of the conference is Moving Evidence into Practice. The Scientific Committee has planned a thought provoking and nationally relevant conference agenda based on a needs assessment conducted within the lymphedema community and capitalizing on robust relationships with key opinion experts around the world.
The conference will include a single track of presentations, lectures, abstracts and sponsored sessions with live Q&A to promote positive change. This is an opportunity to learn from thought leaders around the globe to share their lymphedema-related research and experience.
Day 1 of the Conference: Friday, December 3, 2021
Content is geared toward health care, industry and related professionals. Professionals can register for one low price that provides access to the full, 2-day conference.
Day 2 of the Conference: Saturday, December 4, 2021
Content on this day will be geared toward both professionals and patients. Patients are welcomed to join us for a special registration rate that includes all Saturday sessions and an invitation to the Friday evening social activity.
We are pleased to announce that due to anticipated funding support from Heritage Canada, all presentations during the live event on Saturday will be in either English or French with simultaneous translation into the other official language.
About the CLF and Wounds Canada
Founded in 2009, the Canadian Lymphedema Framework is an academic and patient stakeholder collaboration promoting lymphedema research, best practices, and clinical development. The CLF is modelled on and has a partnership with the International Lymphedema Framework and links with other national lymphedema frameworks and provincial associations to contribute to the global advancement of lymphedema care. The CLF core mission is to improve the management of lymphedema and related disorders in Canada. The three pillars at the foundation of our work are: education, research, and partnerships.
Established in 1995,Wounds Canada, a non-profit organization, is committed to the advancement of wound prevention and care in Canada. Wounds Canada is dedicated to a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach to wound management and prevention to improve the health of Canadians. They focus their key efforts in four key areas: professional education, public advocacy/awareness and education, research and partnerships to support improving patient outcomes.
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