The Internet is full of videos and links related to lymphedema. The Education Working Group (EWG) of the Canadian Lymphedema Framework, after a rigorous review and rating scale, recommends the videos and website links below.

Film series for people living and working with lymphedema: 

A series of films is now available for the support of lymphedema patients in managing their chronic disease, as part of their treatment plan. The films were created by NHS healthcare professionals in the United Kingdom and their patients, with the courtesy of the Lymphoedema Network Wales.  Through their collaboration with the International Lymphoedema Framework, we have been invited to share the films in Canada.

The short series of films are divided into five categories and can be accessed via the links below for Canadian viewers.

Lymphedema General                                                   

Lymphedema Education                                   

Lympaticovenous Anastomosis (LVA)                  

Reducing the Risk                                                    

Children & Young People                                 

The films are produced by PocketMedic, a digital platform that allows clinicians in primary, secondary or community care to send film-based prescriptions to patients to help manage their chronic disease. The films can be watched on mobile phones, tablets or Personal Computers. Please consult the ILF website for more information and for links for viewers accessing from other countries: 

Additional videos that have been sourced for you:

Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema by Dr. Peter Mortimer (78 minutes)

Lymphedema: New and Emerging Treatments by Dr. Stanley Rockson of the Stanford University School of Medicine (59 minutes)

(BLS) BMJ Learning module by Dr. Peter Mortimer and Dr. Graham Easton (60 minutes). This learning module is open to all health professionals, free of charge. Registration is required.

Self-Arm and Leg Bandaging and Self-Massage Demonstrations by MD Anderson therapists (4 videos, each 14-20 minutes in length). Available free from iTunes.

Early Detection & Intervention Part 2: A Patient’s Story by Pauline Mitchel (55 minutes)

Exercise Group with Sticks for Lipedema and Lymphedema Patients by Lymphedema Clinic Wittlinger (10 minutes)

Exercise Group for Lipedema and Lymphedema Patients by Lymphedema Clinic Wittlinger (15 minutes)

Rating criteria for CLF website

  • Accuracy and currency of content
  • Suitability of topic
  • Relevance to the health professional
  • Clarity of explanation
  • Quality of production (sound, visuals, speakers)
  • Rating in relation to similar videos / quantity of similar videos
  • Value of content to emerging research/technologies

Rating scale:      1-unsuitable;  2-poor;  3-not quite acceptable;  4-acceptable;  5-high quality

An overall rating of 4 or 5 is required for acceptance to this website with two professionals conducting the review.

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