Is there any help to cover treatment costs?

It’s rare in Canada that all lymphedema treatment costs are covered by the government. This means that people with lymphedema usually have to find other funding sources or pay privately for treatment.

Government health insurance: Government coverage varies widely in Canada. Some provincial/territorial plans cover compression garments or decongestive lymphatic therapy, while others offer no coverage. What is covered depends on the region you live in.

Click here to view a comprehensive article on reimbursement that was published in the summer 2022 issue of Pathways magazine. The article includes a detailed, province-by-province comparison chart. (Learn more about and subscribe to Pathways here).

Private insurance: If you have workplace health benefits or private health insurance, you may be able to get coverage for lymphatic drainage under physiotherapy, occupational therapy, massage therapy or nursing care.

Income tax deductions: You can claim some of your treatment costs as deductions on your income tax return. For information, visit Canada Revenue Agency’s website (see forms and publications for individuals).

Community funding: Some groups offer financial help to people on a low income. Contact local offices of the Canadian Red Cross, Kiwanis, Lions or Rotary club to see if they offer funding for medical costs.

Contact your provincial lymphedema association for advice about funding for lymphedema costs.

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