Advertising and Sponsorship

Pathways is a publication of the Canadian Lymphedema Framework (CLF) and is distributed in collaboration with its provincial partners.  It is published four times per year in a Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall issue.  The CLF does not guarantee, warrant or endorse any product or service advertised in their publication.  The views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the CLF, its provincial partners, Editorial Board or CLF Directors. All advertising copy is subject to review by the Pathways Editorial Board. 

Industry Partnerships with the CLF support Pathways and help advance topics that address the critical issue of promoting lymphedema education and awareness.  A relationship with the Canadian Lymphedema Framework positions sponsoring organizations as champions of lymphedema educational practice among its targeted audience.  Your advertising dollars help fund important initiatives of the Canadian Lymphedema Framework; an academic and patient stakeholder collaboration working to improve the management of lymphedema and related disorders in Canada.

To discuss partnership and marketing opportunities contact us at:

Click image to view a copy of our current advertising rates and specifications.

Advertising orders can be placed by completing and returning the contract page of the Rates & Specifications card, above, or online at:

Editorial Policy for Paid Content

The Canadian Lymphedema Framework believes in protecting the credibility and integrity of contributors to our magazine.  We will maintain a strict standard of publishing and journalistic ethics by adopting a total transparency model when it comes to editorial content.  We will make it clear which content in our magazine is advertising and which content is selected by the Editor and Editorial Committee members.

The ads will look like ads and the editorial content will look like an article or column.  If we receive an ad that looks too much like editorial content, we will require the advertiser to redesign it or we will add the word “Advertisement” to the top of the page.

When we offer industry partners the option of paid content* as a benefit of their partnership package, we will always identify such content and disclose the nature of sponsorship.  All content is subject to the approval of the Editorial Committee and CLF Executive.

We will also make it clear to readers that the magazine and Editor/Committee does not endorse any user submission or any content expressed by a user. 

Specific guidelines about our disclosures

  • We will disclose if any of the writers or contributors were sponsored by a particular advertiser or company
  • If the editor or writer obtained free products or service samples to write a review, we will disclose to the reader of such
  • Contributors that provide endorsements or testimonials must have actually used the product or service and base their comments on personal experience. They may not provide endorsement or testimonial based on a script provided by an advertiser
  • We will not allow any content from a contributor that has invested in a product or service

*Sponsored content examples: story format, clinical trial results, case studies and research pieces.  All material is subject to the approval of the CLF Executive and Editorial Committees.  Word count and proximity of advertisement is negotiable and at the discretion of the Editorial Committee.

The Canadian Lymphedema Framework gratefully acknowledges the support of these industry advertisers:

We acknowledge the support of the Government of Canada.

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