Arm bands and alert bracelets are a great way to alert caregivers and health care professionals to avoid using the arm or leg for blood pressure readings, IV or needles, where possible.

The lymphedema alert band is produced by Peninsula Medical, the company who makes Reid compression sleeves, and is distributed FREE from their website.

These bracelets are made of plasticized paper and look like hospital ID bands. These bands can be used when in the hospital for procedures and most hospitals would accept these to be worn into the operating room. The neon pink is for those with upper extremity lymphedema (e.g. arms) and the neon green for lower extremity (e.g. legs).  These bands can provide a patient with peace of mind when they may not be alert themselves.

The traditional, medic alert bracelet is a bit more stylish and meant to be worn everyday as jewelry. These metal bracelets can be purchased in Canada online through the Quebec Lymphedema Association.

The National Lymphedema Network (USA) sells traditional, medic alert style bracelets, fashionable beaded versions and lymphedema alert necklaces.

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