Rating criteria for CLF website
The Internet is full of videos and links related to lymphedema. The Education Working Group (EWG) of the Canadian Lymphedema Framework recommends the website links below for health professionals, after a rigorous review and rating scale, based on the following criteria:
- Accuracy and currency of content
- Suitability of topic for the health professional
- Relevance to the health professional
- Clarity of explanation
- Quality of production (sound, visuals, speakers)
- Rating in relation to similar videos / quantity of similar videos
- Value of content to emerging research/technologies
Rating scale: 1-unsuitable, 2-poor, 3-not quite acceptable, 4-acceptable, 5-high quality
An overall rating of 4 or 5 is required for acceptance to this website with two professionals conducting the review.

Self-Arm and Leg Bandaging and Self-Massage Demonstrations by MD Anderson therapists (11 minutes in length).

Early Detection & Intervention Part 2: A Patient’s Story by Pauline Mitchel (55 minutes)

Lymphedema: New and Emerging Treatments by Dr. Stanley Rockson of the Stanford University School of Medicine (59 minutes)

(BLS) BMJ Learning module by Dr. Peter Mortimer and Dr. Graham Easton (60 minutes). This learning module is open to all health professionals, free of charge. Registration is required.