Extending our reach within the scientific community. Pathways moves forward with DOI designations
Abstract: As more and more scientific articles are published on the web, the topic of assigning DOIs is becoming increasingly relevant (and expected) in the research world. DOIs are an important tool to increase the reach and impact of Pathways and make it easier for individual articles to be cited by other authors in research papers and documents.
How to cite: Kennedy A. Extending our reach within the scientific community. Pathways moves forward with DOI designations. Pathways. 2025;14(1): 24-27. DOI: https://doi.org/10.70472/DMVC6232
This article was published in Pathways, the quarterly print and online publication of the Canadian Lymphedema Framework. The most recent 8 issues of Pathways are available to subscribers only. SUBSCRIBE NOW AT THIS LINK TO READ.