Keeping the Lymphedema Community Better Informed

The American Lymphedema Framework Project (ALFP) has launched the ALFP Research Network as part of their ongoing effort to keep the lymphedema community up-to-date with the latest news, developments and discussions related to lymphedema care and treatments. Subscribers to the ALFP Research Network will receive a weekly email digest containing articles and news releases from leading researchers and institutions within ALFP, in addition to resources from across the healthcare landscape.

The ALFP Research Network weekly email digest will include a summary of the scholarly activity in the lymphedema community. Subscribers will not have to log in to a website to participate. New developments and other important information will come directly to their inboxes.

Additional features of the ALFP Research Network

  • Subscribers will have a place to ask and answer clinical practice questions and will have opportunities to participate online or by email, and to choose to make discussions available across multiple Network associations and beyond.
  • Subscribers receive updates on new publications authored by their association colleagues. The ALPF Research Network automatically delivers a current and complete snapshot of the work of the lymphedema community.
  • Highlights of the latest lymphedema news and resources are broadcast to related associations.
  • Subscribers receive and can quickly scan the latest articles from journal feeds and other knowledge sources chosen by them.

To make the ALFP Research Network a reality, ALFP has partnered with Sosido, an online knowledge exchange community for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, researchers, techs and other healthcare professionals. Sosido uses innovative technology to connect and filter knowledge through communities of trusted colleagues, to ensure subscribers receive the information critical to their practice and to the care of their patients. Register for Sosido by checking.

PowerPoint presentations – The Educational Working Group (EWG) of the Canadian Lymphedema Framework is in the process of creating PowerPoint presentations to be available for certified lymphedema therapists to use when giving educational talks and presentations to health professionals about lymphedema. For more information, please contact us at

Risk assessment tool – the attached guide is designed as an educational aid based primarily on experience, not evidence in literature. It can help health professionals guide their patients through a series of questions, which may provide an indication of the relative risk of developing secondary arm or leg lymphedema.

This guide was adapted and reprinted with permission from:
Piller, NB (2006) Lymphoedema Research unit, Department of Surgery, Flinders Medical Centre, Bedford Park, South Australia

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